Sunday 19 August 2012

I do find it quite amazing that I so much time has passed since I last posted but it has and there have been a few changes around here, but perhaps not as many as I would like, so I am going to use my blog as a diary to help me manage the changes and challenges between now and Christmas.

I really do need to find a way of managing my work life balance, because for the last few years I really have not had a good one, I really should as my job should not be as all encompassing as it is, I know it is a cliche, but I am really not paid enough to carry the amount of stress that I do.

I also want to declutter my house, we simply have too much stuff that means that I struggle to find things and periodically hate my home as it is mainly open plan, so I am going to join this group in September which I am really looking forward to.

I am almost up to date with my quilt, I hope to finish my July block today and maybe even watch the August tutorial, everything crossed!

I want to show the crafting that I have focused on so when I have done the above i will lay all the blocks out and post a picture to remind me.

I have made cup cakes for a wedding and done a cup cake to kids course which I really enjoyed, along with my beginners embroidery course, which was a good day up at Princetown, back in April.

So challenges for August,

 keep loosing weight, really pleased with what I have done, but need to keep going.

Finish blocks up to August

Get clothes that no longer fit on Ebay

Start to get rid of stuff that I no longer need or want.

start to prepare for the new term at school so that Logan has everything he needs without the mad rush on the last day.

Do at least one type of challenge, probably a jingles bells that always makes me feel a bit better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic blocks Heli - I still haven't started mine yet! I am going to stay with a crafting friend bank holiday week and taking it up there to do so may finally make a start on it.

I think it's good to sometimes list our personal objectives on our blogs - I think it motivates us a little bit more to get them done.

well done on your weight loss - keep up the good work.

You can only do so much in a days work - providing you can go home each day knowing you have done as much as was humanly possible don't beat yourself up if you haven't managed to complete everything. Tomorrow is another day and you can try again.

Hugs and best wishes,
Linda xxx