Saturday 24 September 2011

This time of year

I seem to feel the need to blog!! I have looked back and seen that every year at this time I have a post, perhaps its because of the academic year, it used to be "the children" go back to school, but now it is just the boy.  The girls are still in academia, one at Uni and the other at college, but its not the same, no school uniforms to buy for them!!

I read a post on Facebook from someone who's blog I read a lot, and she said that she found it frustrating that no one posted, so I have promised myself that I will post response and comments when I look at something new.  I am going to do this for every blog I read and see how I go!

I wanted to remind myself of the summer today so though that this image from the spring, when it felt like summer was perfect!!!


Unknown said...

Good to see you in blogland. Hope all is going well at Uni and college for your daughters - how old is Logan now?

Oh to have seen those blue skies when I left work this evening instead it was drizzle.

Jill said...

Hi Heli, can I join myself? Thanks for the comment on my blog. I am fine here. Just Tracys takes up a lot of my time now but I love it (I get to see new stock before everyone else!!) Seem to be doing a lot more scrapping than cards at the moment. Jill x