Sunday 23 September 2012

well how did I do this month.....not bad, weight loss has slowed but as I have now lost 25lb I guess that is to be expected!  I went shopping for the first time since I started to lose weight and found that I fit into a size 14 jeans which was a huge surprise!!  I have managed ok with the organisation, but I keep forgetting to take photos before :)  but here are the few that I did remember!

And after :)

And before
 And after

I have to say there was a lot of out of date and un needed stuff  which I guess was part of the reason for getting it done :)

So the kitchen is done and the pantry the conservatory has been cleared and the loft has a third less crammed into it.

I have almost caught up with my quilting, there are a couple of squares missing but this gives you an idea of what it will  be like come christmas.

So what am I planning for the next month, I am going to set a target of losing a further 8lb by the end of October, carry on with the quilting and keep on track with the organising.  I also want to start with this planner to see if christmas can be cheaper and calmer this year as I don't think that the Girls will be in the country next year I want this one to be fun.